About us

About us

SG is not your typical signal providing company. As seasoned Wall Street type professionals with decades of experience in banking, institutional trading, and software development, we take the fiduciary responsibility of our clients' funds very seriously. We always trade with our own funds only and never touch our customers' funds. The safety of our clients' funds is of utmost importance to us, and we have no access to their accounts whatsoever.

Instead, we trade on our own accounts, and our customers can automatically copy our trades in real-time to their multiple accounts. When we win, our customers win too. Our primary objective is to generate profitable outcomes for our clients by trading on their accounts. By focusing on their success, we inevitably enhance our own financial performance. We have no choice but to prioritize our clients' financial interests over our own profits, which is the key to maintaining a long-term, mutually beneficial relationship.

What makes us trusted by our clients is our highest working ethic based on the top standards of professional institutional fund management. We deeply understand the desires and needs of middle-class folks. We also learned that it is not just morally, humanly, and professionally correct, it is also very pragmatic and practical, to always be on the side of your clients. Because if we are honest before our customers - we earn their trust and thus their business.