All your Questions answered in one place

How does “Street Growth” benefit from earning consistent profits on its customers’ trading accounts?
We need to generate some profit from our customers' accounts initially. Afterward, we propose that they share a smaller portion of the profit we have earned for them, although the majority of the profit obtained from their accounts always remains theirs.

How can I start earning money with Street Growth?
There is a simple procedure for that:

  1. Open a live trading account with one of the available brokers, and deposit funds there, no less than $200.
  2. Sign up online for the document called 'LPOA' (Limited Power of Attorney), which regulates the financial terms and our mutual obligations. The broker acts as a fiduciary and neutral executor of the LPOA's terms, simply following its terms and conditions.
  3. Once LPOA is signed - a broker connects your account with our trade copying technology and our trades start reflecting on your trading account.
  4. A small part of the profit we earned for you on your trading account will be automatically shared with us, as per the terms of our agreement in LPOA. If we made no profit this week - nothing will be shared with us during that week.